We are excited that you have a new payment method that has been activated! However, if you wish to enable the payment method in Invoice too, you need to do another step.
Here we will not letting you lost, you can follow our guidance to solve your concern :
- First, you need to login on your dashboard
- Then, go to payment link tab on the side bar
- You will see settings icon on the right hand side
- Click it and you will be redirected to Invoice Settings Page
- Hover to Payment Method section
- Click “Manage” button and tick the payment method you want to shows up and click save
- Don’t forget to click “save” again under Payment Method section
- Tadaaa, these changes will be applied when you create a new payment link and your new payment method will be there!
This step is also similar if you want to disable a certain payment method, you can just untick the payment method and click save!
Here we also provide the GIF so that we can help you better!
Let us know if you need help on help@xendit.co