Applies to merchants in Indonesia and Philippines:
Business Entity
If you registered as an entity business like PT/CV/Yayasan (for Indonesia merchant) then you can activate the xenPlatform directly from the dashboard, with following these steps:
- Login to your dashboard.
- Go to xenPlatform Tab.
- Click Enable xenPlatform.
- Choose your business use case whether is Marketplace/SaaS, Platform/Multi-Branch Business/Other Platform Business.
- Please write the detail of your business description and activity in the business description field.
- You have to write also the reason why you need to use xenPlatfrom (e.g How do you intend to use xenPlatform field)
- Click the button Request Activation.
- After you click that button then we will receive your request directly and we will send email confirmation once xenPlatform has already been enabled for your account within 1-3 working days
Individual Entity
But if you are registered as individual business for the activation request process you need to contact our customer support at (for merchants in Indonesia) and (for merchants in Philippines)
Please prepare the answer to these questions in order to be delivered to our CS agents!
What’s the business model?
- Multi-Branch Business / Franchise
- SaaS Platform
- Marketplace
- Other Platform Business (please explain!)
- How will you use xenPlatform for your business model?
- Why do you register as individual rather than entity?
- Is there any plan you will register using entity in the future?