eWallets Tab
1. Go to Xendit Dashboard
2. Click Accept Payments Tab
3. Choose eWallets
4. You can search using this parameter:
- Reference ID/External ID: Xendit reference you created
- Charge ID: can be retrieved from your system, starts with ewc_
- Partner Receipt ID: can be retrieved from payment proof
- Phone Number: only applicable to search OVO transactions
Balance - Transactions View
1. Click Transactions Tab if the transaction has not passed more than 2 days from paid status
2. Search using Reference/External ID, Amount, or Product/Payment ID (same as charge id but without ewc_)
3. Set the filter into Channel: eWallet and pick Status: Success
4. Set the date based on the day transaction is paid
5. Click Enter on Search bar
6. If your transactions have passed 2 days or Settlement Time for eWallet, kindly check on Balance Tab
Payment Links Tab
If your eWallet transaction is paid through Invoice or Payment Link, you can also check through these steps:
1. Go to Xendit Dashboard
2. Click Payment Links Tab > Payment Links
3. Search using External ID, Invoice ID, Payer Email, Description or Payment Destination
If you have done steps above but your eWallet transaction still cannot be found, kindly reach out in help@xendit.co for ID transactions and help@xendit.ph for PH transactions and kindly provide Successful Payment Proof.