We store our service application logic in Indonet cloud infrastructures that provide multiple level security rights from the operating system of the host platform, firewall, and API calls.
This means that basic infrastructure running all cloud services such as software, hardware, networking, including all basic security requirements such as guest operating system (OS) and database patching, firewall configuration, and disaster recovery are built to meet the requirements of world-class security standards.
Here are several ways how we make sure the information stored in the cloud is secure:
- HTTPS for secure connections. We establish a secure communication session through secure HTTP access (HTTPS) when you are accessing our API endpoints. All communication must be made using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), a cryptographic protocol, meaning that all information sent becomes unreadable to everyone except for our server. This protects your information against malicious attempts such as eavesdropping, tampering, forgery, and against security attacks such as phishing, man-in-the-middle attacks, and DDoS attacks.
- ISP Secure Network Indonet allows us to provide you with dedicated network devices to manage interfacing communications with Internet Service Providers (ISPs). This is done to make sure that you can access our system securely when connecting with your ISP. We also use a leased line to ensure the privacy and security of the connection between us and the banks.