To activate OVO as a payment method, you may directly activate it from your Xendit Dashboard. Please see the following steps:
- Sign up for a Xendit account and follow our KYC instructions
- Sign into Xendit dashboard then activate eWallets.
- Sign into Xendit dashboard then activate eWallets. Go to menu "configuration" > "payment methods" > choose "eWallets" > "OVO" click "activate"
- Complete the form on the following pages and click send
- Within 1 business day, we will send your documents and information to OVO, or we will get back to you to collect any extra information
- OVO will process your application in 3 working days
- After OVO approves, we will send you an email to let you know that the activation has been successful
- You are ready to go! You can now create live eWallet payments through API requests