We have 7 types of user permissions :
- View: Create and void an invoice, see cash balance, view transaction details, export report, check billing details and status
- Edit: Create and void invoice, create/delete batch/single disbursement, validate name mismatch single/batch disbursement, see cash balance
- Approve: Approve batch/single disbursement, refund credit card, set PIN
- Admin: Upload legal documents, activate payment method, edit business profile (name, logo, etc), generate API Key, set up and change Callback URL, add and see IP whitelist, enable disbursement, add, edit, and delete withdrawal bank account, add and delete team member and edit user permission, check billing details and status, transfer cash balance to billing balance, add and delete email recipient
- Developers: Activate payment method, generate API Key, set up and change Callback URL, resend callbacks, add, edit, and delete withdrawal bank account, add and delete email recipient
- Withdraw: see cash balance, withdraw funds, set PIN
- No Balance: see list of transactions under accept payments, create invoice, but cannot see the balance
For further information, you can read more here.