Subscriptions' Fee :
- For Indonesia : 2,500 IDR per active plan per month
- For Philippines : 10 PHP per active plan per month
Schema :
- You will receive an invoice at the end of the billing month, generally between the 3rd - 5th of the following month. You can access billing related information with its details from the Xendit Dashboard by navigating to Home > Settings > Billing and Fees.
- You will get charged when you create a Plan with the status of the Plan is ACTIVE at that month, regardless your customer get deducted or not
- E.g :
- You create a Plan with monthly intervals, your customer is unable to pay the second cycle but the status of the Plan remain ACTIVE
- You will still get charged to that related plan
- E.g :
- You will get charged when you create a Plan with the status of the Plan is ACTIVE at that month, regardless the interval itself
- E.g :
- You create a Plan with yearly interval, your customer will be deducted every 1 year
- During that 12 month, even though you don't get an income from your customer in every moth, we will still count the ACTIVE Plan to your monthly billing
- E.g :
- You create a Plan with weekly interval, your customer will be deducted 4 times in a month
- We will count the billing in that month as one ACTIVE Plan
- E.g :
- When you create a Plan and it once becomes ACTIVE at the beginning, we will count that Plan into your billing, regardless it becomes INACTIVE later
- We will charge an Xendit fee/Transaction fee for all successful payment attempt, the Xendit fee will depend on the payment method that you used following this rules