There are several steps needed in order to charge a Cards transaction in Xendit:
- Tokenisation = This process will convert cards detail from the user into a token ID which then will be used to charge a cards transaction. Please click here to find out more on the process and here to find out more on the integration.
- Authentication / 3DS = When a token ID has been created, the user needs to authenticate / verify the payment by inputting the OTP sent by the issuing bank. Please click here to find out more on the process and here to find out more on the integration.
- Charging a card = there are 2 sub steps of charging a card:
Authorization: Confirming with the issuing bank that the card is eligible for transaction and is able to pay, based on transaction history of the cardholder. At this point, the money is put on hold and settlement has not started yet.
Capture: The transaction is locked to be completed and the settlement process will be started.Please click here to find out more on the process and here for the API guidance.