All businesses are able to add their own bank accounts where their withdrawn funds from Xendit Balance will be settled.
To add withdrawal bank accounts, you need to have the Administrator or Withdraw access and do the following steps:
- Go to Balance Tab and click on Withdraw button
- Select either "Local Withdrawal" or "Cross-border Withdrawal"
- Click "Add Bank Account" and provide your bank account details
- Click Save or Check
After all of the steps above are completed, a validation check will run to see if your business name matches the name associated with the bank account you registered.
If you want to add a bank account that has a different name, you can do so by following these steps:
1. On your Xendit Dashboard, go to Settings > Withdrawal settings
2. Click Bank Accounts
3. Click Add Bank
4. (For Indonesian Merchants only) If your Bank account name is different, then click 'Edit' button next to the bank account name
5. Input your Bank account name, account number and select Bank name
6. Select the case of why your bank account name is different with the business name
7. Upload documents of your bank account proof through the dashboard (bank account book or screenshot of the bank account details from banking app)
8. Click 'Submit', and a message will pop up explaining the next flow
After you submit the request, our internal team will review your request and give you an update in around 2 business days via email on whether your request is rejected or approved.