You can check your Retail Outlet transaction in your dashboard by following the below steps:
Transaction Tab
- Log in to your dashboard
- Go to Transaction tab
- Set the filter channel to Over-the-counter
- Filter the date with the paid date found in the payment proof to narrow down your search
- Filter the search parameters to any of the below identifiers
Reference: This is the reference ID you set when creating payment code
Account: This is the payment code provided by Xendit that being used by end user to pay
Amount: This is the amount paid by your end user
Product ID: This is the payment ID provided once the payment code is paid which can be retrieved in your system. This is also the identifier you use when searching for a callback status in your Callback tab.
- Click the transaction and you will see the transaction details as well as the estimated settlement date on your Xendit balance tab. To know more about settlement, please click here.
Payment Links Tab
If your Retail Outlet transaction is paid through Invoice or Payment Link, you can also check through these steps:
- Go to Xendit Dashboard
- Click Payment Links Tab > Payment Links
- Search using External ID, Invoice ID, Payer Email, Description or Payment Destination
Balance Tab - Balance History View
- Click the Balance History Tab if the transaction has passed the Settlement Time.
- Set the filter to Payment > Over-the-Counter
- Search using Reference/External ID
- Set the date based on the day transaction is paid
- If your transactions have not passed yet the Settlement Time for Retail Outlet, kindly check it on Pending Tab
If you have done steps above but your Retail Outlet transaction still cannot be found, kindly reach out in and provide Successful Payment Proof.
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