QR Code consists of 2 types which are:
- Dynamic/One Time Payment/Fixed Amount QR Code = Upon creating QR, you can set the amount on how much your customer should pay. The QR Code can only be paid once afterwards the QR Code will be inactive.
- Static/Multiple Payment/Open Amount QR Code = Upon creating QR, you did not set the amount hence your customer can input the amount themselves on their end. The QR Code can only be paid multiple times with no limit, hence always active.
You can only create 1 Static QR Code both either via Dashboard or API as this is the rules on our partner's end. Hence this is expected not an issue.
You will receive this error message if you try to create more than 1 Static QR Code:
"error_code": "DUPLICATE_ERROR"
"message": "ID_DANA only allows 1 static QR code for each merchant"
Please note you cannot delete any QR Code that has been created. For dynamic QR Code, if you did not set the expiration time it will expire within 48 hours hence QR Code cannot be paid. However for static QR Code, instead of deletion if you wish to rename the Reference ID, please kindly request our CS Team to change it at help@xendit.co